Klas Fahlen

klas fahlen
klas fahlen, a graduate of beckmans college, brings a classic pop sensibility to his illustrations with an interplay of expressive line work and saturated color forms. klas was awarded the cannes design lion in 2001 for his work with ica food.
klas lives in stockholm.
apartamento, askul japan, bonniers, ericsson business magazine, chivas, chronicle books, condÉ nast traveller, food and wine, GÖTEBORGS ENERGI, ica, ikea, kate spade, la magazine, LÄNSFÖRSÄKRINGAR, MARKS & SPENCER, monocle, new york magazine, nytimes, real simple magazine, royal swedish opera, sake, skanska, STRÖMMA, SVEN HARRYS RESTAURANt, swedish museum of architecture, SYSTEMBOLAGET, VEUVE CLIQUOT and more.
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